M&M Food Market

Any reason will do.

This campaign combines two of my favourite things: food and comedy. Buzzing from a big year, M&M Food Market were eager to build on their momentum with something fresh and unexpected. We broke away from the tried-and-true food porn tropes to help take the brand from a once-in-a-while splurge to a go-to for any occasion, introducing a bright, bold world of visual and taste appeal (and the most endearing family ever!) to steal audience’s attention and hearts. It worked: M&M experienced +30.5% New Customer Growth, +3.4% Absolute Customer Count, +16.8% Reactivated Customer Growth, and +11.8% Absolute Customer Count.

  • Agency: Cossette
    Creative Directors:
    Valentine Ho & Mario Cesareo
    Senior Copywriter: Greg Seles
    Senior Art Director: Claire Barnette


SickKids Foundation